After reading Ashley's post yesterday, and after taking in my life over the past week, I figured I'm pretty close to living the life of a "real housewife" in California. No, I'm not a wife yet. No, I don't have any kids. My skin is translucent - not quite the tight bronzed color of the housewives on the show. And I haven't had any botox. Yet. But I'm spending a large amount of time just doing things for myself, which if you've watched the show, is exactly what it is about. And life during the few weeks I have off between semesters at school, so far, hasn't disappointed.
I have always wondered if I was going to like being a "housewife," since I have never handled down-time very well - or not feeling like I'm contributing to society, but it's been a lot different than I expected. Not only do I like it - turns out, I'm awesome at it. Granted, the holidays approaching is giving me more excuses to go shopping and spend money, but it's living life with undisturbed time throughout the day which has put a permanent grin on my face. Lunching, facials, movies, shopping, manicures - I've done it all. The only thing missing is some housewiving-friends to do things with. Instead, I've resorted to talking on the phone with Carlee the whole time so it feels like she is there. I've always thought I would go crazy with not enough to do - being a stay-at-home mom, or housewife...whatever you want to call it. I've found it the complete opposite. There is not enough time during the day.
I've also never been one for "housewiving activities". I've never really liked or appreciated shopping. Not like it should be appreciated anyway. Walking around stores, taking a 30 minute hot cocoa break at the local cafe, "bargaining" with store employees - now that I know life like this exists (somewhere), how can I turn away? (Although the two broken bottles of Anthropologie I knocked over during a shopping spree might disagree). Being a "housewife" also has me considering things I have gagged at the thought of before. Like knitting. Being crafty. Ideas and activities foreign to my simple mind. So yes, Ashley - I can't wait to be a housewife (and a wife/mother :)) - and I'm taking you with me.
Is this kind of selfish? Yes. But let me enjoy my moments of the rock star lifestyle while I can. School starts again first of January. I'm soaking it all in.
**On another note, Oprah has become a staple in my day, and today she had Will Smith on her show. He seems like a pretty cool guy - he had a lot of wise things to say...
"If you are not helping someone else, in everything you do, you are wasting your time." ~Will Smith
I'm sure when you're a mom and a real house wife you'll soon find that time goes too fast and there's hardly enough of it. In my opinion mothers work the hardest...if they don't have a nanny ;). Oh and Will Smith will never be the same to me after starring in I Am Legend...worst movie but great quote!
Amen Laura...
I think that was our 80 year old sister amy who wrote that wise comment above... I agree though.. And as for the real houswives.... that must be one of the most hillarious shows. Seriously, who do those women think they are? I believe in the intro. to the show you hear one of them just say.. "I love money." as well as "I'm the hottest houswife in Orange County."
I have never known you not to be helping someone else. You're going to school to make a career of helping other people. I want to be you in my next life. Little Laura with killer dimples - that sounds fabulous!
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