it is no secret that i am infatuated with giada de laurentiis of food network fame. the husband will constantly catch me talking about her as if she was my best friend. "i saw giada do this...," "well, if i were giada...,""in giada's kitchen..." etc. etc.
i'm not religious about watching 'giada at home,' but if i'm skimming the channels and her show's on...i'm hooked. today i was particularly impressed as she held a "body and soul" episode where she invited a few close friends over for a yoga session and a light lunch. forget book club or poker night...how fun would this be?
since my growing belly is keeping me from teaching or going to my preferred higher intensity classes, i'm left to instructing myself through some prenatal yoga at home. it's not quite the same, and i don't do it as much as i should or would like to...but, after seeing giada today, i can't wait to get back in the game, post-baby, and host my own "yogi luncheon" for my friends and family. maybe a few times a month? in the spring and summer? would you come?
of course, it would be a lot better if we lived in santa monica, near giada and were overlooking the ocean as her home does, but i'd do my best....at least until giada starts inviting me to spend the summer season with her. we'd start out with a restorative yoga session, lightly break a sweat and end with a lovely, healthy lunch.
on the menu? fruit spring rolls made with strawberries, mangos and sliced almonds with a honey lime sauce. watermelon with watercress and feta, and a chopped salad with shrimp and all the best fixins. we would of course have fresh spring water with lemon and raspberries, and enya playing in the background.
now...if only i actually lived by my friends and family. i'm going to make this happen. one day.
namaste. xo.
I want to come! So I have recently started Yoga and it kicks my butt! It is so hard to me but I love how I feel after, does it get easier, all the downward dogs and warrior one and two...
Hey, I watched that too! Everything looked good but the spring rolls... I guess the noodles and fruit combo just gives me the willies.
But... count me in.
Hey, I havet that book! Love her too!! And I actually printed up the recipe for the spring rolls after I watched that show so I could make it, now you have reminded me to go pull it out and actually do it!
I love this idea. Maybe one day we'll all be back together again.... let's say in California, with homes on the beach.
I would totally be there!!! Yoga,a yummy lunch, good company..perfect day!! Congrats on baby!! Hope you are feeling well. email me if you need any prenatal yoga ideas!!
I've seen that episode! I love Giada. So yeah, count me in!
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