that being said, i'd probably leave my husband for rachel mcadams. that's how much i love her. so you can imagine my excitement for this movie...

am wondering if i should read the book first. i usually like to read the books before i see the movies. has anyone read it yet?
reviews please....
No reviews from me! However, I also LOVE Rachel McAdams! I think she has such a timeless look! I already asked Nate last week if he would take me to that movie this weekend! I can't wait!
Also, congratulations on the big transfer/promotion! That is SO exciting! Does that mean you're not moving back to Utah any time soon? :( I guess we'll just have to make the trip out to San Francisco!
She is my all time favorite! Have not read the book but heard it was amazing.
i really liked the book! there's some language which kind of made me cringe...but loved the story.
i'm just seeing the movie for eric bana.....
I have read the book just finished it. It took me a little bit to get into it ( i think because of the traveling in time) but about 1/3 of the way through it I was hooked and had to see how it ended! That being said it does say the "F" word too many times I hated that but I was too drawn in to the story to end it and its a little promiscuous but its a love story! I finished it and now I CAN"T wait for the movie! I am going next week! So I am glad I read the book first but thats because I am not sure how they will do the movie? Maybe after I see the movie I can tell you if you should read it or see it first? But maybe that will be late! and Rachel McAdams is perfect for the part!! I love it!
I found your blog from your (and my) cute sister-in-law. What a charmed life you lead! I would LOVE to live by the ocean.
I read the book and really enjoyed it. Beware, it isn't PG (language and sex). And I cried and cried at the end.
I hope you and your Cortney are well. What a cute couple.
Yes, read.
It's actually one of my favorite books so I don't know..i hear that the movie changed it a little bit so it's your call. I do insist that you read the book sometime. I loved it.
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