we've had a lot of wildlife encounters the last couple weeks here in the southern california. the husband and i like to take frequent walks around the marina, and around the corner to venice beach.

this guy just left the channel around the corner from our apartment. a 20 foot gray whale just popping in and out of the water for weeks.

as you can see from the pictures, there is no proof that he is actually a whale, he never came out high enough for us to see much. i was convinced he was a
loch ness monster for the first week. he was so close to us, that we kind of considered him our pet, and named him bruce.
his presence drew in quite the crowd. we had camera crews and people from all over watching him the whole time he was here.

some even went out to try to get a closer look. we were positive that this sailor was going to get tipped over. he never did.

this was just a funny picture. it reminded me of my mom and our cat, daisy mae. i love it when animals are treated like children and babies.

we went on an independence day hike up the
getty canyon trail. not much of a hike, but we had a few wildlife surprises.

we heard a lot of rustling in the bushes as we hiked the trail. cortney got a little more startled than i did, and i thought he was scared of this little guy....

a few seconds later, this massive buck appeared, justifying cort's jumpiness and so i stopped making fun of him. he stared at us for a couple of minutes. it was cute to see cort get so excited.
it is times like these that i never want to leave california. just when i start missing the mountains and scenery in utah, i have experiences like these. this is the closest i've ever been to either of these animals. and i'm pretty sure you can't see a whale/loch ness monster in the great salt lake. still miss it though.
Those are great pictures! Did you get a new camera? That would be awesome to have a whale living right outside your house! You are lucky to be living there so close to the water! We heard that you are coming in August-can't wait to see you guys!
i am really jealous of the whale sighting! I miss living by the ocean! I always tell morgan that if its not South Carolina it needs to be Cali, I think we would love it there!
Hmm...the lochness monsters in the great salt lake, I think it's possible. Something weird is living in there.
California is LAME! Move back to Utah where you can be amongst your fellow Alta classmates. California is actually a lot cooler than Utah. Miss you tons!
On the contrary I've see two separate lockness's, and a sea lion.
Oh Bruce... little do you know Laura... we do have a Bruce in the Great Salt Lake... move home and I'll prove it!
Love your pictures... those Campbell girls have skills behind AND in front of a camera! Miss ya
We would have many more of those chocolate covered gummy bear nights if you guys would move here already! Nate and I talk all the time about how much we miss the two of you!
P.S. you've inspired me to go green, or at least...greener. They asked if I wanted paper or plastic bags the other day. I chose paper, does that count??
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