....and hitting the ground running because today is National Run Day. the running industry has dedicated the first wednesday in june to remind us to start or continue leading fit and healthy lives, with running being one of the "healthiest, easiest and most accessible forms of exercise" to do so.
i can get on board with running being the healthiest and most accessible...but, easy? not for me.
as a part of my "summer of fitness," i have been tracking my running progress (thanks to the husband) in terms of distance and speed. i have taken it from the treadmill to running outside, since i have heard that you get more bang for your buck when hitting the pavement. it makes sense, but it is definitely not easy. i was comfortable in my air-conditioned gym where i could jump off the treadmill whenever i wanted, or slow to a speed-walk and still feel like it counted as running. very quickly, i came to realize that a) i am not as fast as i thought i was; b) i can't run as far as i thought i could; and c) shin splints and aching knees just come with the territory. still, i'm determined and resilient - i want to be a "runner". i don't know exactly what classifies a person as a runner, but i'm assuming it involves being able to run any time, any place and without pain. i'm also a little vain - i want the runners body. but i also want the runners spirit, motivation, and i want it to not be hard. so for now, it's a work in progress.
any tips of how i can become a "runner" would be appreciated. seriously. please leave a comment.
for those that want to participate in National Run Day, there are running events from NYC to San Diego at gyms, running stores and being hosted by running clubs. click here to find out what is going on in your neighborhood. and go get your run on.
you know i'll be trying.
okay Laura, I am still not a runner, but I DO love running these days! What has helped me is having a running partner that is at your same pace but also can push you a little bit too. Its hard finding someone that you run good with but when you do it helps alot! I am running in my first 5K on Sat! not much but I am still excited for it!! good luck!
Does speek walking count? Oh by the way thanks for adding my art blog to yours, what a sweetheart!
me too!! i don't want to run marathons..i think that's crazy.
but i want to enjoy it like i once did & i definitely want the runners bod!
I have been wanting to do the mud run at camp pendleton since we moved her, but have been pregnant or recovering from it.
Next year is my goal...you should do it with me, i hear it's super fun.
Running takes time to get use to, but it is a great workout. I love listening to my ipod and going out for a run. Great time to clear my mind and get a break from my kids!
As for tips switch it up a bit, run 5 min. walk 2 min. etc....
thanks guys - all great advice, and no, amy -speed walking doesn't count :)
lindsey, i will have to find a partner slow enough for me, but i do think that is a great motivator.
krista, i'm in when you are. let me know when its time to sign up.
julie, you are my inspiration...thanks for the advice
Yeah I love that it's "run day!" Im going to go "running" today too! I HATE running with a passion, but for some strange reason (maybe its the body that comes along with it) I want to be a "runner" as well! I commit today to start running... yes Laura when we talk next, you can ask me how my commitment to running is coming along, and I will be held accountable for such! ...I'm already thinking of excuses not to run today... oh boy!
Who are you kidding? You're a fabulous runner. You've always had a thing for it..but I agree that running outside takes some getting used too after the treadmill season. Once you're used to running outside you won't want to run inside, trust me!
Oh my little fitness sister. I need a little bit of you to wear off on me.
I have decided that the best way to become a "runner" is to sign up for some sort of race to push you. If I didn't have this wasatch back race I probably wouldn't be running at all. (by the way I really think our fam. needs to do it next year). It's weird how much I crave running right now. My training schedule is sometimes 2 and 3 times a day and there is NO WAY i would be doing that unless it were for this race. Oh and sign up with other people cuz i'm pretty sure I would have backed out by now if I hadn't.
I don't know what running is like anymore. Get a bike!!
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