08 July 2011

friday links.


you have to make these enchiladas. i made them last night, and they were unbelievable.

this adorable wall garden would work great in the tiniest of spaces. i've got to do it next year.

irma's playhouse is pretty much the cutest/awesome thing i've ever seen. i'm totally commissioning Cort to do an exact replica for our kids.

i made these for the fourth of july and they were a bust. so i quickly whipped up these as a replacement, and they were amazing.

sweet baby rain boots.

a super simple homemade air freshener. baking soda is kind of a cure-all, no?

a trick to keep your baked goods fresh overnight! genius.

a great guide on to how to store every type of produce.

i love everything about her look.

have a great weekend! xo.


Lisa Marie Trent said...

Friday links are my new favorite.

laura said...

Lisa, you're my new favorite.