29 January 2009

true love

true love is never saying goodbye without telling me you love me.

true love is telling me that i'm beautiful when i rarely get dressed, and rarely wear make-up...all week long. 

true love is cuddling and snuggling with me.

true love is making me hot chocolate, protein shakes, sunday dinner, etc. etc.

true love is giving me permission to "take it easy" even when I don't do anything all day.

true love is being able to tell when i need "girl-time" and giving me space, no questions asked.

true love is wanting me to be close to my friends and family.

true love is holding my hand.

true love is being able to count on you always, and trusting you completely.

true love is putting up with my shenanigans and crazy mood swings.

true love is always hugging me like you mean it.
true love is turning on sex and the city, even when i know you disagree and are disgusted with everything about it, and just want to watch sportscenter.

true love is accepting the answer, "i'd rather not talk about it..." for things like, how much money i spent, how much i ate or what i did all day....

true love is you being too good for me, but loving me anyway.

dear fiance,
i know i've been a grumpy bugger lately.  i'll get better, i promise.



Nate and Lynlee said...

Ha ha I was actually going to comment on your blog telling you to watch the video because how loud you could hear Cortney! I will never forget the story he told when his mission president asked him to lip sync. Unless he made the story up! Doubt it though! :)

Cute post! I got a little grumpy too before I got married! I can't wait to see you guys in April! We are buying our tickets this week! Miss you two!

Brent Skipper said...

You guys are way ahead of Jen and I. We didnt get a blog til after the wedding. Laura we cant wait to meet you. I'm assuming you are real b/c I doubt Cort would keep up this nice of a blog. Sorry we missed you at Christmas. Hopefully we'll be there in April. Add our blog skipperfam.blogspot.com!

Jamie said...

oh man, Laura, I hope you don't mind...but I seriously have a special place in my heart for Cortney, like I LOVE him! He is so amazing, and I cannot even tell you how excited I am for you guys to get married! And Cortney, what an amazing catch you caught as well!!! I just love love love you guys!

Anonymous said...

You are really such a sweet person Laura. How nice you are to write such nice things about Cortney. I really am so glad you have someone like him!

anna said...

Hey family! Great post.

Mr. & Mrs Osburn said...

your so cute laura...cortney is so lucky to have such a sweetheart like you! We can't wait to come out to the wedding! xoxox

thewestenskows.blogspot.com said...

Cute post! That really is "true love" watching Sex in the City! I love that show and Danny would probably never watch it with me! Very cute, we love you guys and are excited to see you at your wedding!